Folding Security Doors Bulk Price

Folding security doors are actually a type of door that has different features than ordinary doors and guardrails and also has a lot of security. To distinguish a normal security door, the type of lock, frame, and door thickness must be considered. In Iran, many manufacturing and distribution companies are operating and producing safe and quality doors that are personally produced according to the needs and desires of the customer.

Folding Security Doors Bulk Price

What Is the Point of Folding Security Doors?

 What Is the Point of Folding Security Doors?

Side folding security doors are one of the most widely used automatic doors, which is very popular due to their ability to be installed in a variety of inlets. Automatic folding doors are also known by other names such as bus doors, accordion doors, and folding doors. One of the most important features of folding doors is their opening. These doors can open up to 90% of the width of the door and allow people to enter or exit. Depending on the door installation position or customer needs, folding doors can be installed on the wall only from one side.

An automatic folding door is very suitable for places that face space constraints. The structure of the automatic folding door is similar to the automatic hinged door. The only difference is that has two hinged flaps towards the surrounding walls and the automatic folding door, due to its very high operating speed, has the capability of unlimited and continuous traffic and is therefore very suitable for use in high-traffic environments. Automatic folding doors are made of slats or hinges that are hinged together. Therefore, we should know that this door is not a type of automatic sliding door and belongs to the group of hinged doors.

Are Doors with Windows Safe?

Are Doors with Windows Safe?

The danger of having glass inside or near it is that potential thieves can break the glass and get inside without having to remove or break the lock. They need a key to lock and unlock the door on both sides of the door. Window guards can help secure windows and prevent thieves from entering. When the doors of your house have windows, you can use unbreakable window glass, such as Siocrit glass, which is resistant to breaking. The use of window guards is the most common application for window security in residential or commercial buildings.

Installing guardrails is a cost-effective way to protect your windows. Window security bars are net-shaped guards that are made of different materials, including plastic, metal, and iron bars. There are several other security methods for windows that are listed below:

  • Impact-resistant windows: These are high-quality glass windows that are easy to install. Due to the high weight of this glass, this type of window has a safer property that can not be easily broken.
  • Floodlights: Well-lit environments often make thieves regret. Floodlights give the impression that there are people in your home.

Unique Folding Security Doors to Supply

Unique Folding Security Doors to Supply

Double folding security gates are supplied in bulk or in part by many sellers in our country. For several years, in domestic and global markets, due to the high popularity of this product, its production has also increased. That is why many of these first-class products are exported to many countries in the world. There are countless wholesalers in some cities who buy and sell these goods at cheap prices. People who want to buy the bulk of these goods at a cheaper price can go to these centers and get their necessities. In the production and sales centers, there are people with a lot of work experience, who have a lot of knowledge due to their experience, and based on their knowledge, they have provided good products so far.

At the time of purchase, you can use the guidance of these people to prepare a better product. You can order high security folding doors, directly or indirectly. These products are prepared in packages for customers and consumers. The security door order will be delivered to you after a few days in a short period of time. Production of security doors is done with advanced devices.


  1. It is a glory of our dear country that our producers and manufacturers are eager to produce very high quality products not only for domestic markets but also they are sufficient to export.
    Thank you. Well done

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